The couple that Slays together, STAYS together ♦ {An engagement shoot in 3 parts~Beginning at the END!} ♦ Raleigh NC Engagement Photographer

I should have known something would go wrong.  This was my first ever Engagement shoot.  I planned things out very carefully.  The timing.  The locations.  I even went to plot the sequence with the Bride one evening.  The operative word being EVENING.  There were three locations altogether.  I will feature the other two in another post, however, this is the one that their friends and families were most curious about.  When I took the Bride to this location at night, I explained to her that it may be a little macabre because while the campus was TO DIE FOR (that is a hint), it DID have a back story.   The location was the site of Dorothea Dix Hospital, or as the locals call it, “Dix Hill” so named because it sits atop our lovely city overlooking the cityscape and it features lush grass, rolling hills and stately trees.  Dix Hill is our state’s infamous inpatient/outpatient psychiatric hospital.  There have been a few notable people that have resided there, but it really is a perfect location for a photography session.  As long as you don’t catch a glimpse of the on-site cemetery.  I warned the Bride that there will be those that might think her crazy for letting me photograph part of her engagement session there.  With a twinkle in her eye, she insisted and who was I to say no?  I’m a photographer.  We DO NOT say no to danger.  I figured since it was the end of the day and the sun was setting fast, we’d grab just a few kitschy 1950’s inspired “proper” shots that weren’t as saucy as the other shots from earlier in the day.  My thinking was that these might be a little more pleasing to the more sophisticated and senior family members.  After getting the quick obligatory shot of the couple underneath the hospital sign, the Groom did his final change and we were ready to roll.   No sooner did we get started than we had our first (and last) interloper.  I didn’t get too frazzled because I’ve had other shoots in public places that I had to deal with people walking in frame.  However, the creature lurching  closer and closer to my couple just didn’t seem to be getting a clue that he was about to breach a Bride’s sanctuary indicating he also didn’t have a clue as to what he was about to unleash.  I didn’t want to break posing because it is hard enough to get a Groom focused when he’s NOT been shooting for an hour before and I figured I could just Photoshop out the intruder.  Well, turns out . . . I needed to keep the photos in tact for evidence . . . . please to enjoy what is left of this once lovely couple . . . .




Raleigh Engagement Photographer, Charleston Engagement Photographer, North Carolina Engagement Photographer, South Carolina Engagement Photographer, North Carolina Wedding Photographer, South Carolina Wedding Photographer, NC Coastal Wedding Photographer, Outer Banks Wedding Photographer


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+ 4 = twelve

A Baby Girl . . . Showered ♦ Durham NC Event Photographer

Anyone that knows me personally, or has ever seen my Facebook page, or is remotely halfway paying a little bit of attention at all, knows how important adoption is to me.  They also know how important my friends are to me.  So when you mix the two together, you have complete TokoBobo saturation.  My most lovely and adorable friends, Vea and Daniel (and my future son-in-law Elijah), are welcoming their newest addition from China and this little girl has gone and smitten EVERYONE already.  In a panic, Vea said “OH NO!  I forgot my camera!” . . . . DUH.  Who’s your bestie with a Nikon, huh?  Did you really think you would be showered and NOT shuttered too?  Please!  I had already announced that I would be photographing the homecoming of sweet little E as a gift and that I would offer that gift to any parent(s) adopting for their homecoming event.  It is my way of expressing gratitude for my own daughter coming home.  Vea and Daniel seemed to appreciate it . . . .  completely unaware that it was also my sneaky way of getting some face time with that baby girl!  Don’t say anything, mkay?

And what does ANYBODY that has a photographer for a BFF get for a shower gift?  Why . . . .Bob Barker . . . . they get their family session complete with digital files on a disc!  (i.e. MORE face time with baby girl and my future son-in-law) . . . . See . . . I got the smarts real good!

And a big old P.S. and shout out to Vea’s friends and family for putting this whole fete together!  WOOT WOOT!  Super classy and super perfect!

P.S.S. . .. Vea, don’t hate me for the Sally Field Moment photo . . . . mkay?



A Sally Field Moment



Durham NC Family Photographer, Durham, NC Child Photographer, Durham, NC  Lifestyle Photographer, Durham, NC Portrait Photographer, Durham NC Event Photographer

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6 × five =

Just one quick one . . . ♦ Durham NC Family Photographer

So, I get an email from V wanting to know if it would be ok to just bypass the whole Christmas card thing this year.  See, they are preparing to travel to bring their new daughter home from China and well . . . they are busy.  Are you kidding, I say?  NO, it will not be ok!  Absolutely NOT!  She tells me how busy I am and that she’ll just set up a tripod and get a quick one. . . . REALLY?  No again.  Jeesh!  I told her that I would come by her home before going to her baby shower for Little E and we’ll just nab a quick one.  Right.  I did manage to narrow down the choices to just a few, but not before I fired off about a gozillion shots.  A rambunctious 4 year old is tough yo!  But how cute is he and can you just feel the excitement over his little sister coming home!?  The first one is really an outtake.  It was a perfect example of everyone following my directions to the letter.  Dad was “TV close” and affectionate, Mom was biting a hole in her lip to keep from “parenting” Big Brother E, while he is “being natural”.  Note to self:  you don’t EVER have to tell a 4 year old to be natural.









Durham NC Family Photographer, Durham, NC Child Photographer, Durham, NC  Lifestyle Photographer, Durham, NC Portrait Photographer

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nine × = 81

Delicious & Curly-icious ♦ Raleigh, NC Child Photographer

Does this face look familiar?  Oh my how a year changes wee ones!  This is Caroline and this is one of my little babies from last year around this same time.  You may remember those delicious, piercing eyes from her shoot last October.   My jaw hit the floor as she WALKED up the lane (when did this whole WALKING thing start!?).  Did you see those curls?  That is no weave y’all . . . . that is pure, authentic Caroline!  How does her mommy stand it!?  I couldn’t keep my hands out of her hair and luckily, she was a good sport about it.  After a few banana and mango chips and some juice, she was starting to stretch her legs and get into the process, but it was the rocking chair that made me an OK kinda person in her eyes.  She didn’t mind me being there so much as long as she got to sit a spell and read her book.  But it was when the skater boys and footballers showed up that she could simply not be bothered with a camera or its owner.  Her focus on the extracurricular activities had me hopin’ as I’m sure me blocking her view of them had her annoyed. . . . you can see the determination on her face as she fakes me out on a run for the boys, but it sure made an adorable shot . . . . Please to enjoy Caroline!






Raleigh NC Family Photographer, Raleigh, NC Child Photographer, Raleigh, NC  Lifestyle Photographer, Raleigh, NC Portrait Photographer

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4 − one =

Blackstrap Molasses ♦ Raleigh NC Music Scene Photographer

I had been called out of town on a family emergency and had to cancel this session because an emergency turned into a bigger emergency.  There was just no way a sane person could get the emergencies taken care of and drive back in from out of state, run in, hug and kiss the family and take back off again to get to the show.  Operative word here being SANE.  Oddly and for some bizarre reason, I work well under pressure and I needed a nice distraction.  I uncancelled and it was ON.  An intimate setting, good music, a few people I knew and a warm atmosphere.  Yes . . . . I needed that.  Below, two of the members of Blackstrap Molasses perform an unplugged set with only ambient lighting . . . no sweat!  That I will admit to anyway . . . .






Raleigh NC Music Photographer, Raleigh, NC Band Photographer, Raleigh, NC  Nightlife  Photographer, Raleigh, NC Lifestyle Photographer

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8 × three =

Turning Two . . . in 2 Minutes FLAT! ♦ Raleigh NC Family Photographer

In what I hope to be an annual tradition, this gorgeous family below wanted to do more photos this year.  Vance, turns out, turned two years old .  . . . a little early . . . . and on that very morning.  Which threw his parents a curve ball.  I, as a photographer was lovin’ it a little bit.  NO, he will not stand still, No he will not look at the camera, No he will not keep his carefully chosen outfit on, No, he will not smile.  That is sort of like against the Two Year Old Credo or something right?  So, you have to meet them where they are.  I, being the mom of a three year old knew EXACTLY what to do.

“Vance . . . . I want to take photos of your mom and dad by themselves so I don’t want you in the photos, mkay?  So while I’m taking photos of them, you can go off and do your thing, just whatever you do, don’t get near your mom and dad so we can take their photos by themselves” . . . . . So you know what happened, right . . . . it took about 5-6 minutes before he was weaving in and out of their legs with a face full of glorious expression being . . . . VANCE.  Which is exactly what I wanted.  Clothing was going to be optional.  Does this little guy get cuter every time you see him?  Of course he does!  The ‘Rents ain’t too shabby either!







Raleigh NC Family Photographer, Raleigh, NC Child Photographer, Raleigh, NC  Lifestyle Photographer, Raleigh, NC Portrait Photographer, Raleigh NC Couples Photographer

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